Saturday, October 23, 2004


Working Title and the first group of VERY basic character sketches.

I have decided on a working title, which is The Golden Boys. It refers to the four main hockey-playing characters and Gary, the fifth main male character.

I looked at a previous piece of work I did, and it came out to about 22,000 words(in 12-point single-spaced type, it was 45 pages.) I'm feeling more confident about being able to do this now.


Main Characters in “Golden Boys”.

The Golden Boys:
Charlie Ferris -
1989 - Captain of the Holy Mother H.S. hockey team. French Canadian by birth, he has lived with Gary Ablett and his family since he was 12. A top hockey prospect, he has to decide whether or not to go pro or to college.
2004- Professional hockey player facing the prospect of not having a job any more due to the hockey strike and his advancing age. Returns to New Haven for the wedding of Darrell Masters.

Gary Ablett -
1989 - Geeky sidekick of Charlie who is the team’s manager. Parents are impossibly Walton family rich, but Gary is down to earth and uncomfortable with all the money. He is a big media buff and an early adopter of technology.
2004 - “Geek chic” owner of 24 Frames Video and a retired ex-dotcom multi-millionaire who also manages Charlie’s financial interests.

Doug “Harris” O’Donnell -
1989 - Right wing for the team, Charlie’s friendly rival in everything. Plays hockey to make his father happy, but really wants to be a rock star.
2004 - Bitter, just about has-been pop(not rock) star who is returning to New Haven for the wedding and also to play a “retirement” concert.

Jack Shanahan -
1989 - The semi-outcast of the group, goaltender for the team. He is fascinated with all things Japanese. Speaks fluent Japanese, self taught.
2004 - Living in Tokyo, teaching English as a Second Language courses and playing piano in a jazz combo. Comes home for the funeral of his mother.

Bill Ryan -
1989 - Defenseman. Doug’s best friend. Plays bass in his band, Cerebus. Easygoing, more interested in entertaining himself and his friends then in much else, yet smarter then everyone except Gary.
2004 - Still playing bass in his own band, playing local gigs. No longer on speaking terms with Doug due to a semi-imagined slight.
Don't forget the part where the star is caught cheating, but gets a pass from the brothers to play in the playoffs. Sounds great, even though I seem to think the Bill Ryan character is a dick. ;-)
50-50 right now. He does have some heelish qualities about him, but I would say he's a 'tweener.
NICE band name BTW. Sounds... familiar.
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